'Get ready for me to verbally vomit all over you about my love for this film. Where to find me: Blog:http://amelia-haynes.blogspot.co.uk Twitter: https://twitter.com/Spoilers123 Tumblr: http://pythagoras-point.tumblr.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spoilers123?... Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/hay_nes/ My background music is either from YouTube\'s create section or http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/'
Tags: funny , makeup , haul , fun , review , vlog , vlogger , disney , films , Marvel , blogger , vlogs , react , Annabelle , hair , vlogging , feels , média , supernatural , doctor who , bates motel , annabelle creation , Fandom , amusement , the conjuring universe , Fangirl , david f sandberg , Annabelle Review , ninkcompoop , Once Upon a Time , haynes , Annabelle Creation Review , spoilers123 , fruit rat , insync , sacred cows
See also: